Student Design & Technology Lab

Mr. Honma | Building F | Hours: 7:20 am - 8 am, recess, lunch, or by appointment.

Site and services are currently being revamped.

Independent use of the lab is open to all students who have joined the lab’s Google Classroom, registered with Classcraft, and completed:

  • Lab orientation & rules (in Classcraft)

  • Orientation related to equipment/service(s) you intend to use (in Classcraft)

Join the lab’s Google Classroom.

FDM: Ultimaker S5, Dremel 3D45, Dremel 3D40
SLA: Form 3+

photo printing

8.5” x 11”: Photos, stickers, heat transfers
13” rolls: Canvas

Fits up to three people + capability to allow a fourth person to call-in remotely.

You supply the material to press on.
Heats up to 400 degrees F.

Dimensions: Up to 44” x Any Length
Materials: Canvas, Bonded, Polypropylene

Need help with something?
Ask Mr. Honma for help.